Support the KSUCAC


The Kennesaw State University Community & Alumni Choir is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The choir's mission is to bring the joy of choral music to the surrounding communities. Membership dues are collected to meet financial obligations in order to operate. Thanks to the generous contributions made by individuals and organizations throughout the community, we are able to bring more elaborate performances to our audiences, including instrumentalists and featured vocalists.

The KSUCAC asks for your contributions to help us to continue bringing the joy of music to our local communities. All donations are tax deductible*, and any contribution you are able to make helps. Please click the donate button below.

Please include a mailing address if you would like us to mail an acknowledgement receipt. Otherwise it will be sent to your PayPal email at the end of the respective season.

You may also send your donation via check or money order, payable to KSUCAC, to: KSUCAC P.O. Box 269 Lebanon, GA 30146

*In accordance with IRS regulations. Consult your tax advisor.
Copyright © 2025 KSUCAC